Tuesday, May 6, 2014

How your Smartphone Style Matter

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We all use smartphones daily but even a single minute we think about Does our Smartphones look Matter? if no then after reading this article i am sure that you will think more about your smart phone design. There are many things matter with you smartphone design. Here are some of the things. Just read them carefully and think.

1. Color
We all know colors are the main thing which attract use toward some thing, even it is food, cloths and our smartphone. In India people think for Black or white color for there smart devices because it is easily available and it doesn't get dirty easily(except white one). But i think we have to change our mind set and move to the colors like red, green, yellow and etc. When we Black color our device can get easily over-heated and the logic behind it is that black absorb heat more quickly  then other colors. When we are traveling for long distances in summer days and on a harley davidson their are more chances to get heat of your smart device. So be careful for you new smart phone color. And bonus it give you a resone to look diffrent from the crowd.

2. Finishes

Color has a powerful draw that can be seen from across the room, but the phone's more subtle finishes -- which protect the materials from wear -- have their own, albeit smaller, place in the universe of cell phone design. It's these finishes that make a phone feel smooth or sticky, rough or slippery, and they often contribute to how you perceive the value of the phone in your hand.
Here's an example: remember the glossy coating on the brushed-looking Samsung Galaxy S3? It added lustre and gleam, but on the flipside, that goopy finish also collected fingerprints and reflected glare. Done right, glossy can add an extra dimension to what might be an otherwise flat, dull finish. The Nokia Asha 503 is one example of this (and one of which Nokia was especially proud); a clear, resinous top coating soars above a layer of bright color that seems to hug the phone's internals, giving the handset its trapped-in-ice look.

3. Build materials

You've got color, you've got finish -- but where do the phone's build materials fit into all this? Everywhere. I'd say it's pretty easy to argue that the phone's construction is the most important place that a phone-maker sends a message about the handset's personality and values.
Apple's first iPhone is the quintessential example of this, and one that's so significant because of its beginnings, breaking new ground with a sleek metal unibody dominated by an all-touch display that was large for its size back then. Compare the original iPhone to plastic phones of 2007, with small, often unresponsive screens and user interfaces like mini computers, and you see a huge difference. Apple had made a designer product whose simple, modern, elegant aesthetic and single home button quickly came to represent all that it could do.
Apple isn't alone. Nokia, for one, also saw design as an ethos. As Nokia's Schellen said in an interview with CNET before the Microsoft acquisition, "Simplicity and purity are really important for Nokia. It's important that a Nokia device strongly feels like a Nokia device."
4. Brand Name
Everywhere in world brand Name plays a very essential role in marketing and selling a smart device. When we listen that "this smartphone belongs to XYZ high-name brand" it increases the price and interest in consumers to purchase because it is top selling product of the world.

If you have any other query about this feel free to comment.  


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