Monday, June 30, 2014

Get Ready For New Android L update

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Now days mostly all over the globe we uses smartphone with android as an OS. And when the kitkat or K update came for the android devices many users thing the interface will be different from the jellybean or J update but No, it doesn't have much difference in the interface. Google's Sundar Pichai noted at the very beginning of the Google I/O keynote, Android L is one of the most comprehensive Android updates in the mobile platform's history. Having refused to take our eyes off the scene for even a split second, we have to agree that the update, at least so far, appears to be quite extensive, and there's a whole bunch of goodies we'll be talking about now, and in the coming months. 
New Interface
In simple words every thing is redesign from the scratch. Even the software navigation keys have gone through a redesign. What's more, the new look, apart from being seamless across all Google platforms, has also been simplified down to the basics, and is now flatter, more colorful, and quite a bit more likable.  

Search is more powerful

Search is Google's bread & butter, so none should be surprised to find out that Android L will bring some additions and improvements in that field. 

For example, Google has put an emphasis on 'rediscovery', meaning that Google Search will now be better aware of what you were doing immediately before looking for something online. One primer Google demo'd is Search's knowledge of a user's previous Google Earth search for a location. This query, which was performed in an app separate from Search, is then incorporated in the results you get for the same or similar searches, and you'll be able to jump right into a given app and start right where you left off. What's more, this new API will be made available to developers, so third-party apps will also be in a position to take advantage of this new functionality -- it doesn't have to be a Google app. This opens up a number of possible use case scenarios, and hopefully devs will utilize this new-found power well.

Recent App menu will be changed
The last recent menu was like in table form but in the new android L it will be awesome. Just see the pic.


Sizable improvements to notification handling

Another area Android L will touch on are notifications. Here, Google is improving the existing notifications functionality in two ways. 

First, notifications are now even more interactive, and this holds true even when looking at those from your lockscreen. In Android L, you can expand or discard those (and more), and Google promised that algorithms will try and curate what you get served, in an attempt to keep it relevant. What's more, double-tapping a notification from your lockscreen will immediately redirect you to the app that triggered it. 

Second, Android L will introduce what the community has come to recognize as heads-up notifications. This means that notifications can now be displayed in a much larger box, and will go beyond just notifying you through the tiny status bar strip. If you have an LG or Samsung phone, these are very much alike to their respective 'floating caller' functionality, which introduces a small box when a call is patched through, allowing you to continue whatever it is you're doing, instead of forcibly hijacking your experience. Finally!

I think that interface is like nokia X and XL lock screen.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I hope that it will fulfill the expectation of the new and "always want something different" users. 


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