Tuesday, August 20, 2013

How to Take Control Of What Updates You See on Facebook

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One of the biggest problem with most of social networking site is information overloading. For example, if you have 1000 friends on Facebook, it’s impossible for you to follow all the updates from your friends, and you miss out many important updates at time. Facebook addresses this issue with their Facebook algorithm, which determines what updates should be visible on your Facebook news feed. No matter what, by the end this is only a machine language, and you can’t expect it to be 100% perfect.  You are most likely to miss important updates from many friends, that you don’t want to miss. In this article, I will share some tips which you can use on your Facebook profile, to ensure that you don’t miss out important updates, and also it will help you to handle information overload to an extent.

How to take back control of your Facebook News feed:

If you interested to know how Facebook determine what updates you should see on your Facebook newsfeed, this article will give you great insight. Now, lets start taking control of our Facebook profile:
Hide news from news feed:
Lets start with minimising the updates we see. On Facebook, we are friends with just because of the social obligations. For example, your distant cousin, or your friend’s friend that you met at party. Most of the time, we are not interested to see all updates from them, and a good idea is to stop seeing updates from them. This will give more room for updates from friends, that we are more interested in. Simply go to person profile, and hover your mouse on friends, and uncheck option which says “Show in News feed”. After this, you will not see any update from the particular person on your news feed.
hide news from news feed
Use Friend Facebook organizer:
Facebook friend organizer is a useful tool by Facebook to quickly manage your friend list. This tool uses your past interaction to suggest you to put friends in Acquaintance list. If you wondering what is Acquaintance list, here is what happens, when you add a friend in your Fb acquaintance list: “This list is for friends you don’t need to stay in close touch with. People on your acquaintances list will rarely show up in your News Feed.”
Facebook friend organizer
Use Get notifications:
This is another interesting feature from Facebook, which will ensure that you never miss out an update from your friend or Fan page you liked. When you enable get notifications for any of your Facebook friends or Pages that you liked, you will get notification, as soon as your friend or page make a new post. To use this feature, simply go to your Friend profile, and under Friends, select option which says get notifications.
Get notifications
Another way to use this feature in mass is by using Facebook list feature. Create a list of important updates, and enable notification feature for that particular list.
Facebook list notifications
Engage with like, comment or share:
As I mentioned above, Facebook uses the algorithm to determine what appears on your news feed. So, if you want to see more updates from particular friends, or pages that you liked, always engage with the content shared by them. You can engage by commenting, liking or reshare their content.
Facebook interest list:
I’m unsure about this particular tip, but when ever I have browsed an interest list, it always shows updates in chronological order. This is more like creating a custom Facebook news feed, based on your interest. You can add your friends, pages, or public figure that you like. And instead of using default Facebook news feed, you might like to spend more time on your interest list. You can find complete detail about Facebook interest list over here.


In short and simple words:
  • Filter out the updates from people and pages that you don’t want to see.
  • Engage more with content that you would like to see on your wall.
  • Use List or notifications feature, when you don’t want to miss out an update from particular person or brand pages.
Facebook is giving their best effort to ensure you (users) see only those updates, that you might be interested in. But, at the same time, it’s a good idea to make changes at your end, so that you don’t miss out any important updates, and see more of what you like to see.
If you use any other trick to manage your Facebook newsfeed, do let me know via comments. Don’t forget to like and share this article on Facebook.


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