Tuesday, September 24, 2013

How To Decide Name of Your New Blog?

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decide Blog name How To Decide Name of Your New Blog?

Naming anything is one of the biggest task, because once you name anything, that becomes the future of that person/thing.  When ever I have to start a new blog or a website, my first few days goes in deciding the name of the blog. Since, BloggerGamer is a brand name for me, I usually add a suffix along with Blogger to create a blog name. But, usually for a newbie person, who is starting his first blog, deciding a name comes out to be very tough, as there are many confusions, such as:
  • Should I use my name as my blog name?
  • Should I use common words like Tech, Fashion, movies in my blog name?
  • I’m not sure about niche of my blog, and will this name look good in long run?
These are just few of many confusions which we usually have while deciding on the name of the blog. Here I will out line some of the simplest way which can help you to pick a name for your blog. Do remember, by the end, every name is good; what really matter is what quality you put in there, and how you brand it.
Pen and Paper or Google Docs:
Pick a pen and paper, and start writing the names which are coming in your mind. Don’t use your personal name as blog name, until it’s your personal journal blog. Because, if you use your name as a name of your blog, it loses the chance of creating a niche authority blog, and it becomes more of a personal branding blog. For example, the other day I along with a team-mate was brainstorming a domain name for my new blog which is about WordPress niche, and here are few names that we put down on paper:
  • BloggerGamerWPHelp
  • GamerWP
  • BloggerWpNinjas
  • GamerWPHub
  • BloggerWPDaily
  • GamerWPCode
  • BloggerWPCoder
  • GamerWPHacker
Now, after writing down these names, we started removing names one by one, and the process was quite easy, after we answered these questions:
  • What is the goal of this blog?
  • What kind of audience I’m targeting?
  • Is name justifying the kind of content I’m going to put there?
  • Is this name Good for long run?
  • Is the name unique or my name is close to any existing brand?
It took another 10 minutes to start removing names, and by the end we come down to following domains:
  • GamerWPHub
  • BloggerGamerWPDaily
Now, both the name actually suits the kind of blog we were thinking, as it was suppose to be about WordPress tips, news and regular stuff. Similarly, this is the first thing you should do when deciding a blog name.
Don’t use trademark name:
A major mistakes we unknowingly do is by picking up a Trademark name. For example, having a domain name with words like WordPress, Google, AdSense, Apple and so on. Using somebody trademark name can create legal issues, and if you wish to read more about it, you should check out this official wiki page on Trademark.
Check for Brand name availability on Social-media sites:
Another important thing to keep in mind when deciding for a blog name is; availability of name on Social-media sites. For example, if you have decided a blog name as BGHub, that name should also be available on at least Twitter and Facebook. If not, you should go for an alternate name or start with step 1. You can use a username check website like Knowem to search for name availability on various Social networking sites.
Keyword Rich or Keyword less:
Another important aspect of selecting a blog name is; should we use Keyword or should we not use Keyword. I’m not going in depth on this here.Few more tips to keep in mind:
  • Don’t try to choose a long blog name.
  • Make sure name of the blog is memorable and not hard to type.
  • Ensure that blog name is easy to pronounce, and should not be confusing.
  • Prefer .com domain name.
  • Don’t use .net, .info or other not so famous TLD’s

Just follow these tips and let me know if this helped you or not. Once you have decided on the name of your new blog, book your domain from Godaddy or any other popular domain registrar. If you have any additional question or tip you would like to add, do let me know via comment. If you find this article useful, do consider sharing it on Facebook and Google plus.


  1. Thanks for your nice information. I was before very confused on how to choose a good blog name. After i read your article i got good idea to choose a blog name. I have followed your steps then finally i registered my domain name from this site 9cubehosting.com


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