Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Maggi is back!!

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Hooray!! Maggi is back. This is great news to Maggi lover all over India. Yesterday I just purchased a Maggi from a shop near to my home. It was pretty crowded just for the return of “Maggi”. This time it is made in 2 minutes but doesn’t taste like old times, it taste little dull, I can’t feel that saltiness and spiciness in it. But hey, millions of people want that back on their plates. And this time you can purchase it on the internet in India. This is big thing because Maggi was ban in India because of some health related problem it causes. You can read all the details on internet. And I know we all have our ways to cook Maggi and some of us are very proudly say that, they can at least cook Maggi (Count me out.). But I really want to share my way with you all guys, I hope you will find it enjoyable and tasty.

  • 1.       Get a pack of Maggi (Cost  12 INR)

  • 2.       Cut the packet from upper side. With its spices (present inside the packet) and veggies .

  • 3.       Get the heat onn. And put a stainless steel bowl.

  • 4.       Pour some water in it. Put the Maggi in it with its spices.

  • 5.       Now after it cooked properly.

  • 6.       Get it on a plate and put some butter on it. And squeeze a lemon on top of it.
Muahh Enjoy your meal.

And don't forget to share your experience in comment section below.

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