Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Happy republic day to all. 2016

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Everyone on the planet have some fundamental rights from the birth and democracy is one of them, as one of the largest democratic country India also have politics based on Democracy,  For the people and by the people. After a long time of struggle done by our freedom fighter we got our freedom in 15 August 1947 and they handover our country to our leaders after declaring constitution. We declared on 26 January 1950 that we are republic and this country have democratic rule. Unlike many other countries like China, Russia and many others, we also show our power to the world. We use parade which is very traditional and attractive option to show off.  Every year we have a grand parade on this day and we celebrate our republic day. Every one which belongs to any government authority whether that department belongs to army or any other government department, they want to take part in the parade but only some selected ones, which are selected  by some higher ranking authorities. Every time our prime minister invites some great personality or high rank in another countries like this time our prime minister invited prime minister of France. This time the parade was really special because this time with Mr. Prime minister of France brought some of his army member to be a part of our republic parade. Unlike every time we all have witness to watch many incredible “Jhankies” and great army tech.

I hope all those who watch parade on television or live felt most proud to be an Indian.

This post is dedicated to all my reader and my fellow Indians. I hope you all felt the same.

Happy Republic Day!!

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