Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Famous Social Websites other than Facebook

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“No one can be number one forever” said by a great man, person who said these words are less important than the meaning of the words. These words are acceptable in every field of work not just sports but every part of the life includes social media website. Yes I am talking about the title of this post before Facebook there were many other social websites which were very famous among the users. Most of them are available but some of them are not among us. To tell you about those famous social media websites, top five are chosen by popularity.

1 Orkut

On 24 January 2004 google launched a Social website called Orkut. Orkut was very famous in Brazil and India. In year 2008 Orkut got very large amount of user as compare to its competitors. The famous feature provided by Orkut was “Scrapbook”. With this feature users can share their emotions on their friends Orkut page. This was not the feature which attracted a large number of users, but also scrapbook feature user can share picture, videos, songs and gif images using html codes. Even with these features Orkut cannot survived for long time. Orkut was officially closed on 30 September 2014.

If you want any data provided on Orkut by you, you can retrieve that data by using takeout.google.com/setting/takeout/custom/ourkut

I hope you will find some great memories in that data.

2 Google+

After closing the Orkut, google was not over with the social website thing. Google launched Google+, at first it was only for the Staff of the Google Corp. But eventually they opened the gates of their new website Google+ for users all of over the globe. June 2011 google+ in came to existence. Now there are 41 Crore users using this social website. They also changed looks of the website many times. Latest look  is pretty amazing, to compete with Facebook’s like button they launched +1 button, by which you can show your appreciation regarding that post.

3 Myspace

August 2003 this the year and month in which Myspace was launched and Myspace is still operational. But the figures say that number of users is less as compare to the golden days of this site. Till 19 April 2008 Myspace was famous than Facebook with more than 7.6 Crore users, even for the celebrities this website was best option to interact with their fans. Now Myspace almost have 5 crore users active. Unlike other tech companies it also didn’t changed according to time and that became the main point for its downfall.

4 Connect-U

Connect U was launched in May 2004. It was developed by Camroon and Tailor Winklevoss of Harvard University. These two were the class mate of Mark Zuckerberg. Firstly Mark was going to help them to make this website but then he changed his mind and get busy on the new project and that project is now popular with the name Facebook. This website had almost same features as Facebook like groups, chatting and etc. Those two was also had a legal session with Mark. Unfortunately they had to shut down the website in year 2013. But Connect U was also very famous in its starting days.

5 Hi 5

In 2003 Hi 5 knocked the doors of social media websites and became very popular. In 2007 it was ranked second most popular social media website, but in 2008 it was defeated by Facebook. It was mainly popular for photo sharing with friends. They also introduced the gaming feature which allows users to play games with friends. It gets 10,000 ranking according to Alexa. It has one more amazing features by which you can make new friends called “Meet me”. If you want visit this website then you can because it is still operational.

Now you all will think that Facebook is most famous social website around the globe, but no there are several countries where facebook is ban, and in Russia VK.com is much more popular then facebook even they can access facebook.  

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